Yolanda's successful career: 38 years navigating the transformation in Outdoor Advertising.
Madrid, 8 May 2024

In the dynamic world of outdoor advertising, stability and adaptability are qualities that only the most experienced can boast. Yolanda, who holds the position of Head of Estates at the Spanish division of Wildstone, has been dedicated to this industry for 38 years and embodies these qualities with grace and determination.

Yolanda expresses,

"In this job, every day is a new adventure. It's incredible to see how everything has changed since I started, and here I am, adapting and learning."

Since her early days in the industry in 1986, Yolanda has witnessed the rapid evolution of outdoor advertising. She reflects on her beginnings:

"When I started, I never imagined I would still be here so many years later. But the passion for what I do and the constant evolution of the sector keep me committed.”

Her workday is diverse and challenging, encompassing roles such as estate management, liaising with property owners, and handling documentation with various authorities.

Yolanda expresses,

"My daily routine involves multiple departments. From acquiring assets to overseeing and managing paperwork with different administrations, I serve as a bridge between the company and the legal office."

Over time, Wildstone's acquisition of Gran Pantalla de Eventos (Grupo Redext) marked a turning point in her career.

She adds,

"At first, understanding the businesses’ new philosophy was a challenge," admits Yolanda. "Today, I'm thrilled to be part of a company whose mission is to revolutionise the OOH sector in Spain through media digitisation."

The employee-centric culture at Wildstone has had a positive impact on Yolanda.

Yolanda expresses,

"Here, I feel appreciated not just as a worker, but as an individual." She adds with a smile, "It's reassuring to work in a place where everyone's well-being matters."

Despite her many years of service in the industry, Yolanda keeps a humble and practical attitude toward her success. Reflecting on her journey, she notes,

"Each step in my career has demanded dedication and hard work. Yet, I'm thankful for all the experiences and lessons I've gained along the way."

Juanfran Muñoz, Managing Director - Spain at Wildstone, said:

"Yolanda's work ethic is exceptional, consistently aligned with the team's objectives, and she tackles every task with dedication and passion. Her values and compassion make her an outstanding colleague. In short, Yolanda is an indispensable part of our success and a valuable asset to our team."

In summary, Yolanda's success story is an inspiring testimony to perseverance, adaptability, and dedication in the dynamic field of outdoor advertising. Her words and journey serve as a powerful reminder of how a commitment to excellence and the ability to embrace change can lead to extraordinary accomplishments in any industry.